The Range - the Fit - the Power
As in any sport, range of motion is the primary component of performance in cycling.
Flexibility, Strength, and PositioningI will discuss in detail the method of position analysis, explain bike set up, and also the priorities for strength training. When I analyze a cyclist on the bike I visualize the ideal position for optimal efficiency, higher power output, and greater comfort and safety. A cyclist with flexible hamstrings, smoothly operating hip rotators and strong hip flexors is going to be able to tuck lower, put out more wattage, and stay comfortable for longer than a rider who has addressed none of these issues. If both riders have the exact same oxygen carrying capacity, which one do you think is likely to go faster?
To collect the relevant data, we take the cyclist to the anaerobic threshold on the CompuTrainer. Pushing to threshold causes moderate muscle fatigue, which highlights both biomechanical flaws and the consequences of improper bike positioning. Based on our observations, we offer recommendations tailored to the individual.
We record baseline details about the rider and his/her bike on a position analysis form. We record all existing data about the bike on the form before making any changes in the position. As we make changes, we log them on the form and test them on the CompuTrainer Spin Scan program. With a record of all alterations, we can provide each client with a detailed chart showing how the set-up changes have impacted the pedal stroke.
Since problems are usually interconnected, Dr. Ferrel and I first look for obvious problems. We identify specific muscle groups and soft tissue that are "misbehaving." We start by identify flaws in foot/cleat placement. The first step is to make sure that the pedaling platform is flat. This entails analyzing the proper canting and camber of the shoes and feet, ensuring that the body's musculo-skeletal system is efficiently connected to the bike's pedal system. We look at the alignment of the ankles to the feet. If the alignment is off, we shim the cleats to improve alignment, thus achieving a more efficient pedaling stroke. We log even the slightest changes for future reference.
One of the most obvious problems is knee splaying. When the knees are splayed out (the bow-legged cowboy look) the forces of pedaling are not in a linear plane. This creates biomechanical inefficiency and the likelihood of repetitive stress injury. Knee splay is usually caused by tight hip rotators (See Flexibility First). In some cases, bike set up is the problem, and the solution might be a different length stem, or a seat post which offers greater fore/aft reach.
Saddle height, fore/aft and tilt adjustment
The correct saddle height depends on each individual's range of motion. This is extremely important. We have seen successful cyclists and triathletes with widely varying saddle heights, but Dr. Ferrel and I favor a higher seating position than most, as it allows for a slightly increased plantar flexion (toes pointing down at the bottom of the stroke). This promotes increased action potential of the smaller leg muscles including the gastrocnemieus and soleus in the pedaling stroke. We strive to get more muscles firing efficiently for a greater length of time, which optimizes the recovery phase of the stroke.
We look at the cyclist sitting on the bike pedaling, analyzing the angle of extension of the left vs. right leg. Using the Spin Scan helps us balance out the right and left sides, thus eliminating the little power spikes that indicate a lumpy, inefficient stroke. We observe torque for the left and right sides, percentage of wattage and overall efficiency score. We use a goiniometer to test the actual leg extension at the 6:00 o'clock (bottom) position. We center the middle lines of the goiniometer with the tibia and the femur. At the bottom the lines should intersect the ankle bone and at the top the greater trocanter. Make sure the hips are flat with no side rock, and the foot is in a slightly leading, toe down position. Individual range of motion, especially hamstring flexibility and degree of effective plantar flexion, determine the proper extension. Based on the individual's range of motion, we'll look for knee bend at dead bottom center of roughly 34-37 degrees. By checking both legs, we are able to determine leg length discrepancies. If we discover a difference in leg length, we want to first determine if it is muscular or anatomical. This is accomplished with a soft tissue adjustment to the insertion point of the hamstring. We have found that in many cases these leg length differences vanish after this adjustment.
Next, we focus on the fore/aft position of the saddle. The fore/aft adjustment is determined by using a plumb line. At the attachment of the patella is the tendon of quadriceps femoris and our reference point. If you reach down and grab the patella with your fingers - leg straight - you will be at the exact point of contact for the plumb line. You know you are there because there is a slight indentation both inside and out. The line should fall directly through the ball of the foot and the pedal axle. A common mistake by most coaches is to use the front of the knee as the fulcrum for this line. This places the seat too far back and add to the tension on the knee, a big problem for ultra cyclists. Adjusting the fore/aft saddle position should conform to this plumb line standard.
The saddle tilt is individual, best determined through experimentation. If the nose is too low, the rider will slide forward, thus subjecting the quads to extra abuse. Too high, and the body will never be able to comfortably achieve the correct lordotic curve we discussed earlier.
Upper Back and Positioning on the BikeThe upper thoracic area is often problematic due to a too low aerodynamic position. Our objective is to balance and strengthen the posterior, upper thoracic muscles such as the traps, levator scapulae and rhomboids to increase the biomechanical efficiency and aerodynamics of the individual. Using Spin Scan, we are able to see torque curves change and the point where power is either gained or lost. This process, though sounding simple, is very complex. Remember that every body part is connected to another, so the analysis must take interactions into consideration.
The Relationship of Core Muscles and HandlebarsComfort is a key element to bike positioning. Handlebars come in different widths to order to accommodate different body types. All too often the cyclist's handlebars are either too wide or too narrow. With wider shoulders, naturally one would want a wider bar. Within this comfort zone we recommend the narrowest bar, which gives the aerodynamic advantage but does not compromise good biomechanics. Bars should be turned up slightly with the lower hooks just off parallel with the ground. The brake hoods also need to be up slightly from the parallel. We see a lot of cyclists with their brake hoods too low or too high, thus affecting their overall position on the bike. When the brake hoods are too low, one has to reach with the forearms in a straightened position, thus lifting the head, tilting the pelvic girdle back and locking up the core muscles. If the hoods are too high, the body is pushed too upright. When we achieve good hand and back positioning, the elbows flatten out naturally, and the head drops a couple of inches. With the proper angle of bent elbows we start to get good spinal lordotic and kyphotic curves. The pelvic girdle then tilts forward instead of back. This pelvic tilt is critical. When the butt is up, the back flattens. This allows us to access the all-important core group.
The core muscles are the forgotten movers in cycling. Most racers basically train only the gluteals, hamstrings and quadriceps. By isolating and strengthening the abdominals, obliques, erector spinae and quadratus lumborum muscles, cyclists can gain more power along with the ability to sustain it for a much longer period of time. (See Low Back, pt. 3, in the March, 2002 UltraCycling. Ordering back issues ) In climbing, we teach our athletes to keep their elbows bent, to flatten the back, and to slide back in the saddle. This produces a stronger, more efficient pedaling stroke. By strengthening the ancillary core muscles, cyclists delay the onset of lactic acid buildup in the primary muscles. This functional position starts a whole new series of events, including more efficient breathing and the consequent activation of the parasympathetic nervous system.
Proper Breathing Many times we see an athlete gasping for air under exertion. These air-sucking in-breaths activate the sympathetic nervous system, thus generating the high stress "fight or flight" response. Through our work with BreathPlay author and Zooming CD creator Ian Jackson, we have learned that overcoming the air-sucking in-breath habit and focusing instead on the air-pushing out-breath skill activates the parasympathetic nervous system, thus generating the relaxation response. The primary BreathPlay skill of active out-breathing gives the endurance athlete several important advantages. It increases endurance by improving cardio-pulmonary function and building core strength and also generates deep relaxation to go along with this power boost. In addition, the odd-count breath cycles central to BreathPlay technique ensure that the pedal stroke ending each out-breath switches from one leg to the other. This switch-side breathing helps to bring about bilateral balance. Using BreathPlay techniques, American Alexi Grewal earned a gold medal in the 1984 L.A. Olympic Games road race. Many of our pro and elite cyclists also use this technique.
After the recommended equipment changes are made, we examine specific areas of the body that need help. After determining each person's idiosyncrasies we develop specific stretches and then begin strength training. Some of the stretches in Flexibility First must be done prior to each strength training session. As with the stretches, we start by waking up the core muscles and elevating body temperature. We begin with a series of floor exercises. Later, the progression is into a gym, and finally onto a bike. This sequence is extremely important. If muscles are strengthened before their range of motion is sufficiently increased, their power output may be significantly limited.
Fine tuning a body on a bike for a particular type of competition is not a perfect science. Often, optimal change occurs slowly over a period of time as the body becomes more limber and the strength training has the effect of increasing leverage. For this reason, we sometimes allow months to make changes in a particular individual's position. The following strength exercises are in priority order, beginning with core strength and progresses into hip flexion, and hamstrings. As with the stretches, these serve as a clear guide for better conditioning. Still, they may not all be appropriate for each individual. Proceed with caution.
Training for Cycling: Flexibility First
How to use the CompuTrainer to analyze power output in endurance cyclists. Recommended stretching to improve range of motion so ultra cyclists can go faster with less fatigue.
by John Howard and Dr. Ernie Ferrel
One of the bittersweet ironies of life is that we use it up learning how to live it. By the time we've matured into what we hope is deep wisdom, there's not much time left. We've all heard variations of the "if only" statement: "If only I'd known, at age 20, what I know today." This irony plays out in an athletic career as frequently as it does in life itself. Many aging athletes, who take up the challenge of the metabolic barrier too late, end up singing the "if only" blues. The performance boost they begin to enjoy brings the realization, too late, that if they had used flexibility training to challenge the barrier at the beginning of their athletic careers instead of at the end, their performance achievements would have been far greater.
Increased performance gains are harder and harder to come by over time. With each small improvement, there is an increased cost. Ramped up metabolic training offers slight gains in cardiovascular efficiency, but with a significantly greater potential for overuse injuries. This is especially true at the elite level.
With flexibility training, improvements in range of motion will produce a more powerful pedaling stroke. In our next article, we will discuss how that improvement in pedal stroke translates into a more effective set-up for ultras. For now, let's dial in some greater range of movement.
Analyze then Mobilize In cycling, if you go five miles an hour faster, from 25 miles an hour to 30 mph, the increase in energy output is enormous. Yet a cyclist going 30 miles per hour only produces enough energy to fire a row of light bulbs. The solution is greater efficiency. How is this achieved? In the previous article I presented Ian Jackson's breakthrough BreathPlay Zooming CD Ultrazoom. Here I'll take a different but complementary approach.
Air resistance is a huge limiting factor to speed, so aerodynamic considerations are often critical. Many times the most efficient aero positions come into conflict with the individual biomechanics of the body. A cyclist who is stiff, with limited range of motion in the joints, will either be unable to attain an efficient aero position or unable to maintain it. The information we are presenting is based on years of personal experience and experimentation. We'll give you a detailed overview of our process so that you can apply it to yourself.
In looking at the body it is important to determine the individual's strengths and weaknesses. We start with the athlete's bike on the CompuTrainer, utilizing the Spin Scan program to get data about the athlete's power stroke. We ask about patterns of pain that may have become chronic, and whether the pain is constant or intermittent, localized or diffuse, etc. Many of the causes of these cycling problems will be obvious from watching Spin Scan on the CompuTrainer.
The color bars on the CompuTrainer Spin Scan bar-graph start bobbing as soon as the athlete starts pedaling. We warm our riders up and then take them to perceived anaerobic threshold, say 10-15% below max heart rate. At this level of exertion we get an accurate picture of their pedal stroke. We watch the lower valleys on both right and left sides, noticing the percentage of watts for each. A common problem is a lack of muscular force, and a lack of consistent force at the bottom of the stroke. We define this area as the recovery portion of the stroke, at roughly 6 to 12 on the clock face. This tells us the hip flexors muscles, primarily the Psoas and Rectus Femoris, are not holding up their side of the muscular equation. The solution is to systematically stretch, then strengthen them with single side isolated pedaling or better yet, Power Cranks(tm). As the muscles become more flexible and stronger, and the neuromuscular pathways are reinforced, a smoother more powerful stroke will result.
A related problem is the pattern of power spikes on the right and left sides at the peak of the stroke. If the color bars are higher or wider at the peak on one side this indicates a lack of smooth force to the pedals. This problem is usually brought about by a splayed knee, a tight external hip rotator, and or a tight I.T. band.
Corrective Program Once we analyze the athlete's muscular imbalance, muscular weakness, or leg length discrepancy, we formulate a corrective program. We provide a set of prioritized stretches that initially look like they have little to do with riding the bike.
Most of our clients are pro and amateur triathletes and cyclists. Some of them have either not stretched at all or have stretched very little. Many of those who have been stretching have actually increased their tightness by improper technique; hence, our first priority is teaching correct stretching technique. We begin with some introductory movements to "wake up" the core muscles and elevate body temperature. This reduces both the exacerbation of old injuries and the creation of new ones.
We begin with a series of light active and passive isolated stretches that are derived from works of Dr. Ferrel, Bob Anderson (note his cycling series in the his book Stretching) Arron Mattes and his series of active isolated stretches, massage therapist Doug Thralls, and Chris Maund, of the C.H.E.K. Institute in Encinitas, CA. These are followed by a strengthening program, which is initially based on floor exercises using foam rollers and a large ball. Later, we progress to a gym, and finally to the bike. This sequence is critical: if you make the mistake of strengthening the muscles before exploring their full range of motion, you are potentially limiting your power output. This work is an individualized form of training, and it begins with understanding the initial position analysis on the bike. The athlete must start with a pre-training stretching program. The best time to start this is immediately and it should be maintained for life. Inflexibility should be understood and treated before we start strengthening the muscles. Cyclists have some common flexibility issues, and the following stretches address these. Still, each person is an individual with slightly different needs, so the generic program is never fool proof.
The Importance of Hip Flexors and Quads Following the bio-kinetic chain, the first muscles we look at are the hip flexors and quads. One of the strongest hip flexors is the Psoas muscle. When the Psoas is properly engaged, it adds tremendously to pedaling power. The same is true when the Vastus Medalius is properly engaged. A stretching and strengthening program to mobilize and strengthen these muscles should be a priority. Simple exercises such as walking lunges replicate the precise motor response of pedaling. Take care to place the knee in front of the ankle. In the gym, isolating the hip flexors (and hamstrings in the reverse position) with lower pulleys is a great way to power up the body for improved turn over. On-bike drills, including a series of specific hill repeats, integrate the muscles for a more effective transfer of power into pedaling. Along with the Vastus Medalis, the other quadriceps muscles need to be trained through isolation exercises. If you can train these ancillary muscles, you may or may not see dramatic increases in power and performance, but you will sustain more power for a longer period of time.
There are a few mechanical devices available that improve the pedaling stroke by activating the hip flexors. Dr. Frank Day's Power Cranks are probably the best.
Hip RotatorsIt is important to activate the hip flexors, but for the majority of cyclists, the five-muscle group that externally rotates the hips is probably the most troublesome, since it causes splayed knees. This problem is exacerbated by various causes, such as poor body biomechanics, bad habits and trauma. Their chronic contraction causes splayed knees and a consequent loss of power in the most powerful arc of the pedaling stroke. Splayed knees also create poor aerodynamics and a decrease in stability, especially on descents. A seat that is too low will also play a part in this condition. The ideal is to have the legs come straight up and down, like pistons in an engine, with the proper amount of flexion to maximize your power safely.
Weak Vastus Medalius Obliques. The v.m.o. muscles are one of the primary quad muscles involved in smooth pedaling action. When the v.m.o. are weak, the knee joint can no longer track smoothly, thus contributing to knee pain which can quickly accelerate to chronic degeneration if left untreated. This problem is common among runners who take up cycling with no corrective strength training. An effective way to treat this problem is with short arc quad extensions. Do repetitions with one leg bent only 10-20 degrees, toes pointed in. Repeat with other leg. Very gradually increases in weight.
Weak Core muscles. Abdominals, Obliques, Erector Spinae and Quadratus Lumborum. The Q.L. starts going south under pressure from big gears and low aero positions. Eventually the Q.L. fades out with an accompanying dull ache in the low back area that seems to never go away. The remaining core muscles are also compromised and become less effective. When this happens the Glutes begin to tire rapidly, and speed and power drop significantly.
More on Stretching Stretching needs to be a part of your life style. It is most effective right after a ride and just before bed. As we age, poor postural habits, past injuries, and increasing stiffness, sneak up on us. Finally, we can no longer deny what has happened to us. We move with a certain rigidity and we're prone to injuries that are slow to heal. Recommended stretches
Resources John Howard has been a competitive cyclist since 1965 and a cycling coach since 1982. His School of Champions athletes have won over 150 national and world titles including RAAM. Howard is a three-time Olympic cyclist with 15 national championships and an Ironman Triathlon victory to his credit. He is also a member of the USA Cycling Hall of Fame. Howard has written four cycling books: The Cyclist's Companion, Multifitness, Pushing The Limits and Dirt! For additional information on his camps, contact him at or for coaching. His email is
Dr. Ernie Ferrel is the past Vice President of ACA Sports Council, Director of Chiropractic Services for USAT, Certified Elite Cycling coach and creator of Dynamic Motion Therapy. He can be reached at (805) 963-3232
Stretching for Ultra Cyclists
Stretching to improve range of motion is an important part of a cyclist's training, which will increase power and comfort during long-distance bicycle rides and ultra races."
by John Howard and Dr. Ernie Ferrel
Do the stretching at least five days per week. Make time for stretching before or after riding your bicycle, convince yourself to look forward to it and make it fun!
Ian Jackson's Zooming CD utilizes a specific breathing technique critical for activating the parasympathetic nervous system. Activation promotes a relaxed muscle release and blood flow, thus greatly improving the quality of the stretching. The technique will also add a surprisingly pleasant sensation to your stretching.
#1 Trapezius/sub occipitals.
Our objective is to balance and strengthen the posterior, thoracic muscles such as the traps, levator scapulae and rhomboids to increase the biomechanical efficiency and aerodynamics of the ultra cyclist. Tuck the chin, find the bony lump at the base of the skull, and pull gently to the side. After several seconds, decrease the pull, and lift the opposite shoulder. Repeat 8-10 times for both sides before riding. An excellent companion stretch is to hang from a chin up bar, both over and underhanded for 15-30 seconds for each grip.
#2 Foam Roller across spine.
Stretching to flex the spine, open up the intercostal muscles of the chest, and help avoid stooped posture from long hours riding the bicyle. Work the roll from T4-T12, spending 10-15 seconds per five sections of the spine. When finished roll off the side and avoid doing a crunch.
The other four stretching exercises are performed lying on the back.
#3 Tight External Hip Rotators.
Their reduced range of motion is one of the main culprits for splayed knees while cycling and a loss of power in the most powerful arc of the pedaling stroke. Splayed knees also create poor aerodynamics and a decrease in stability while cycling, especially on descents.
While on back, bend the knee and use a strap or rope to pull the foot across the body with the upper leg at 90 degrees. Run the rope under the calf to support the knee. Do 8-10 reps, both sides, before the ride.
#4 I.T. bands.
With torso and lower body straight run the strap under the calf to support the joint. With the hips flat on the floor, bring the leg low across the body and keep the toes pointed at the ceiling. 8-10 reps, with a slow extended out-breath on each rep, both sides, before and after cycling.
#5 Bilateral piriformis stretch.
Bring the knees together very slightly with the feet as far apart as possible. This is a passive stretch held for 15-30 seconds before and after the ride.
#6 Tight Hamstrings.
When these guys are tight you will have a limited forward bend at the hip. The pelvis is pulled into a posterior tilt, thus countering your ability to flatten the back and sit low on the bicycle. Tight hamstrings also rob horsepower while cycling.
With a rolled up towel in the small of the back and the non-stretched foot straight against a wall. Anchor the strap around the ball of the foot and pull back 8-10 times with a slow extended out-breath on each rep, both sides before and after the ride.
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